How to Set up CDN on eCommerce Website

The term CDN stands for content delivery network. Modern web users find it extremely useful and can’t imagine running a smooth platform without it. The majority of the content you consume is delivered via a content delivery network today. Using a CDN, you can have content distributed to multiple web browsers at the same time. In order for content to be delivered online efficiently, CDNs increase the number of sources, their proximity, and caching.

CDN for eCommerce

The speed at which a website’s pages load has a profound impact on the shopping experience online. Mobile eCommerce traffic dominates today’s eCommerce traffic, and most mobile eCommerce shoppers abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. It is also essential to have lightning-fast page-to-page load times.

As consumers have become accustomed to native apps like Uber or Spotify, they have come to expect similar experiences online. All page loads should be competitive with in-app experiences, not just the initial page load.

The speed of the website also impacts key strategies and tools for eCommerce success, such as the use of SEO to expose brands to new customers. Mobile site speed has become increasingly important to Google in recent years, which rewards sites with higher rankings and visibility.

How does CDN work for eCommerce sites?

How does CDN work for eCommerce sites?

CDN edge servers are located around the world so that the one closest to a request can respond quickly. Because users and requests are spread far and wide, CDN edge servers can respond in a timely manner wherever they are.

As opposed to traditional origin-based server architecture, CDNs provide great scalability advantages. Since the origin server is responsible for handling every single request that comes in, regardless of how many come in at once, there is only one server, or in some cases a small number of servers. It’s possible for CDN servers to cache static resources such as CSS files, images, static HTML, and JavaScript files. Nearly half of the bandwidth usage can be attributed to static resources. Caching advanced CDNs can also be used for dynamic content like WordPress HTML files.

Until recently, eCommerce merchants had to hire their own CDN provider and integrate it into their tech stack directly to take advantage of a CDN.

Importance of CDN for eCommerce

Website owners want their visitors to have a positive experience, gain trust, and become paying customers on their websites. When the website does not load or work properly, there is a good chance that visitors won’t even have the chance to appreciate its true qualities. Studies have shown that a high percentage of users click off websites that take longer than 5 seconds to load. Here are some of the reasons why CDNs are crucial to user experience for all eCommerce websites: 

Geographic location

In terms of CDN, location is one of the most important factors. When the website uses only one main hosting service, visitors who live far away from the host will have a bad experience. Latency can be reduced by reducing physical distance. Having more CDN PoPs around the world will provide users with a better experience. 

Number of Users

As your website’s popularity increases, your visitors will have a difficult time accessing it because they are geographically far from your hosting center. There is a limit to how many visitors one hosting center can accommodate at once, and one can’t respond to all of them at the same time. There is no other solution to this problem than CDN. It will be much easier to flow data once you have CDN PoPs installed in several different locations around the world. 


Your bandwidth costs can be significantly reduced by using a CDN. The data sits between the CDN and users, reducing the transfer costs by reducing the communication between hosting and all users worldwide. Hosting platforms charge only for data transferred to and from the origin server if cached versions of most of the website’s content are available. With CDN, you can save money while still providing a better website experience to your visitors. 

Set up CDN in WordPress?

Set up CDN in WordPress?

Your first step should be to choose a CDN provider. Once you have downloaded their WP plugin, you can apply it to your website. Media files are automatically synchronized to CDNs by the plugin and no manual work is required. Visitors can then access CDN nodes around the world and your data will be delivered and loaded within seconds. 

The 5centsCDN WP Plugin is an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly content delivery network that gets up and running as soon as you download it. We have multiple data centers around the world. With 5centsCDN, you can serve your visitor’s images, videos, or other assets from the closest CDN point, depending on their location. Your visitors will be amazed by the loading speed. You can always customize how much bandwidth you need each month, thanks to our tailored content delivery solution.


Looking for the right platform that not only speeds up your e-commerce platform but ensures consistent performance and uninterrupted availability of your website? Don’t just rely on anything when it comes to swift content delivery with accelerated websites.
Your audiences deserve to be treated nicely so let’s not make them go through the torture of a slow website and interrupted streaming experience. 5centsCDN is the answer to all your web acceleration issues.

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