5centsCDN status page helps our clients track 5centscdn status worldwide, including server health and software updates.

This new system provides real-time visibility of the condition of 5centscdn network, offering our clients centralised updates on: System Status – Allows you to confirm the availability of all 5centscdn data centers and granularly observe the current status of the 5centscdn management console and API on each and every 5centscdn PoP. Outages and Incidents – Helps keep track of major network events that may potentially impact your own service. Patching and Maintenance – Provides information about 5centscdn maintenance cycles and major security patches. Please follow the below instructions : Log into your 5centsCDN Console Click on the Product/Service In the re-directed page, click on the Service Status which is located to the extreme left under the Status section. You can also directly go to https://status.5centscdn.com/ to view our Real-time status updates.


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