Yes, You can stream the VoD files using 5centsCDN to your android or IOS applications.

The first step is to create a VoD push zone in the 5centsCDN console. You can refer to the below-mentioned article,

VOD Push Zone

Also, you can deliver the VoD files from your origin server through CDN to your android or IOS applications

How to create VOD pull zone?

Once, the push zone is created, you can upload the VoD files to the file manager.  The HLS playback URL for the VoD files is available in the console. You can copy the HLS playback URL and add it to the Android or IOS applications.

In the case of the VoD pull zone, you can replace the hostname in the playback URL with the CDN hostname and use it on the IOS or Android applications.  For example.   – Source URL – URL from the CDN


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