There are 2 methods to accelerate your website.

  1. Accelerate the static assets of your website.
    you can accelerate the static assets of your website, like style sheets, JavaScript files, and images (in-short HTTP objects). Click here
  2. Accelerate the whole website. In this method, you can deliver the whole website through the CDN. For this setup, we are using the feature Origin IP Resolution. Please follow the instructions,
  • Login to 5centsCDN control panel.
  • The first step is to verify the root domain. Click here for more info
  • Go to Zones and select HTTP Pull zone.
  • Click the green plus button to create a new Pull Zone.
  • Provide your website hostname in the field
  • Select HTTP in Optimize For option.
  • In the Custom CNAMES field, you can add your CNAMES like or (you can add the root domain).
  • Cache Settings: – Under Cache, you can set the Cache expiry period as required and you can override the cache-control header
    • Query String: This option will treat each of the uploaded files with Query Strings as a separate cacheable file.
    • Ignore Cache-Control: Override Cache-Control header sent by the origin server.
    • Use Stale: This option will serve the expired content while the CDN is fetching new content or when the origin is down.
    • Revalidate contents: The edge server revalidates the content from the origin for each request.
  • The Origin IP resolution is the important part of whole site acceleration.
    • Enable this option.
    • Add your website-hosted server’s IP address in Origin IP.
    • Add the hostname of your website.
  • Edge setting:- You can set the following features under edge settings,
    • Compression:- Static files can be compressed using gzip compression to reduce bandwidth.
    • Content-Disposition: – To download files forcefully.
    • Strip all cookies:- To remove all Set-Cookies headers
    •  Add X-forwarded-For: – To add X-forwarded-For for HTTP header
    • Add CORS header:-  To allow cross-origin resource sharing
    • Enable webp:  To allow separate caching for webp files
    • pseudostreaming: To enable pseudo stream seeking.
    • Optimize for WordPress: avoid caching page for users logged into the WordPress or accessing the administrative page.
    • Large File Optimization: To get better performance for large file delivery.
  • Origin Shield:-  If you enabled this option Origin Shield will stand between your origin and our edge servers. Our unique origin shielding protects your origin server from a huge number of requests from our CDN Edge Nodes. Our origin shield is deployed with complete redundancy to ensure stability, control, and security.
  • SEO: As you start using our CDN, your content can appear from different domains. Nothing wrong with that as long as the search engines have clarity about your content. If the content is not clearly declared, they will penalize you for duplicate content. We offer two options, both options fulfill the goal of not having duplicate content and are aligned with search engines.
    • Add canonical header: – This option adds an HTTP header to cached objects on the CDN, telling search engines the location of the original file on your origin server. With this information, services like Google Image Search can link to the original source in search results, and avoid crawling the same content multiple times, saving you bandwidth.
    •  Robots.txt: – This is a text (not HTML) file you put on your site to tell search robots which page you would like them not to visit. Robots.txt is by no means mandatory for search engines but generally, search engines obey what they are asked not to do. Search engines check for a robots.txt file at the root of a site. If the file is present, they will follow the instructions but if no file is present, they will scan everything. We will not be enabled to see the file by default, meaning that everything will be indexed.
  • SSL:– It stands for Secure Socket Layer is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communication security over the Internet. SSL encrypts the data being transmitted so that a third party cannot “eavesdrop” on the transmission and view the data being transmitted. Only the user’s computer and the secure server are able to recognize the data. Transfer using HTTPS will encrypt the data using a particular algorithm and the same algorithm is being used to decrypt the data on the receiving end.
    1. Shared SSL: -Shared SSL is free of cost SSL method provided by 5centsCDN, which will make your zone in HTTPS mode, without having to purchase your own SSL certificate. Instead, you will use our own SSL certificate on our server. To activate it select the SSL Type as Shared and click on the Save button.
    2. Custom SSL:– Custom SSL enables the user to install your own SSL Certificate, Private Key. You could upload the certificate that you will be receiving from your DNS providers. To activate it select the SSL Type as Custom and provide your Certificate (CRT) along with intermediate certificates (CA) and Private Key in the respective fields. Once you have done that click on the Save button
    3. Let’s Encrypt SSL: We have implemented Let’s Encrypt SSL option. You can simply enable this SSL and select the uploaded Cname from the list. The SSL deployment will take 4 to 48 hr of time.
  • Click the Create button. The zone deployment will take up to 15 mins time.

-> I have created an HTTP Pull zone, What is the next step for whole site acceleration? 

We have already added CNAMES like or Once a zone is created you will get a CDN hostname like 
Go to your DNS and point your CNAME to the CDN hostname. You can enable custom SSL or Let’s Encrypt SSL. The Let’s Encrypt SSL deployment will take up to 48 hrs.
Once the SSL is deployed you can use the CNAME for whole site delivery. No need to enable any plugin or any other changes needed in your website source code.


-> What is the use of Origin IP resolution? 

In whole website acceleration, You are pointing your domain to CDN hostname. So without Origin IP resolution, the setup won’t work because of an internal loop.

That is where Origin IP resolution comes in. here you specify your hosting provider’s IP and the hostname of your website. The CDN will fetch the content from the server and deliver it.