Through a Push Zone client can upload their content to our CDN storage server, these content will be replicated across our CDN Edge servers for further delivery. By using the push zone, all content will be archived on 5centsCDN storage server. In HTTP Push Zone, it supports all files ie, .txt.png files.

To create and upload content to an HTTP Push Zone, please follow the below steps :

  • Log into your 5centscdn Console
  • On the left side, under Zones, click on HTTP and from the drop-down menu select Push.
  • Click on the Green Plus Button which is located at the top of the extreme right corner of the screen.
  • In the re-directed page under Create Zone, click the drop-down menu info
  •  Select the Region which is nearest to your source.
  • You can set your custom CNAME that can be used to retrieve your content so that the request will be redirected to 5centsCDN domain. To make this happen you need to contact your DNS provider to add the custom CNAME in the DNS record so as to redirect the same to 5centscdn domain.
  • Under Cache, you can set the cache expiry.
  • By setting the Bandwidth Limiter you can limit the speed based on the ‘Rate’ value after reaching a specified Bandwidth Limit
  • Scroll down the page and click on the Create button.
  • Once created a message Success! Zone Created. Please wait till the deployment completes will be displayed.
  • In order to view the created Push Zone details go to Zones > HTTP Push Zone
  • Click on the appropriate Manage  button near to your required Push Zone
  • On the redirected page, you can see the following details under the Basic section
  • Info will give you the name of Push Zone and the Region for which it is created
  • FTP Details display the FTP credentials to get connected to this Push Zone
  • Playback URLs / Embed Code display the playback URL for your files which are uploaded to your Push Zone
  • Cache Settings display the current Cache settings enabled for Push Zone.
  • File Manager is the newest feature added to your 5centscdn console, this enables you to upload your content directly to Push without depending on any third party FTP Clients.
  • To upload files, Click File Manager
  • Click on the mp4 folder and use Drag & Drop/click to upload files. You can watch the upload progress bar and as it reaches 100% files are fully uploaded. Now you can also Pause the content while uploading as we are now following a chunk-based file uploading technique.