How to hide the Airplay icon from the Video Player?

You may want to customize your video player by hiding certain controls like the Airplay icon to create a clean and distraction-free viewing experience. Achieving this is straightforward by using query parameters in your Video Player’s URL. To hide the Airplay icon, you can add ?hideAirplay=true to the end of your Video Player’s URL. This […]

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How to hide Chromecast icon from the Video Player?

To hide the Chromecast icon from your Video Player, you can make use of query parameters in the video URL. The specific parameter you need is `hideChromecast`. You can set this parameter to `true` or `1 to ensure that the Chromecast icon is not displayed on your player’s interface. Here’s an example of how you […]

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How to hide Title Overlay on the 5centsCDN Video Player?

To hide the Title Overlay on the 5centsCDN Video Player you can set the query parameter in the video URL.. The specific parameter you need is `hideTitleOverlay`. By including this parameter in the player’s URL and setting it to `true` or ’1` you ensure that the Title Overlay, which typically displays the video title, is […]

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How to mute/unmute video players on play?

To mute or unmute video players when initiating playback, you can use ‘muted’ query parameters to control the audio settings of the player. Here’s how you can achieve this: You can set the `muted` parameter to `true` or `1` in the video URL. This will ensure that the video starts playing with the audio muted. […]

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How to stop AutoPlay video in the browser?

To stop AutoPlay of videos in a web browser using query parameters, you typically won’t have direct control over browser settings. Instead, you can use query parameters when embedding a video on a website or web application. These parameters can be added to the video player’s URL to prevent AutoPlay.  For example, you can set […]

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How to enable AutoPlay video in the browser?

To enable AutoPlay for a video in a web browser using query parameters, you typically set the `autoplay` parameter to `true` OR  `1`. When using query parameters to enable AutoPlay, it’s crucial to include the `muted` parameter and set it to `true` or `1` alongside the `autoplay` parameter. This ensures that the video will AutoPlay, […]

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How can I change the skin of my video player by modifying the URL?

Every video player has a ‘hashId’, which is the player’s unique identifier. Users have the option to choose from default skins (Skin1, Skin2, Skin3, Skin4, Skin5) or use the hashId of any custom skin they have created. Here’s how you can modify the URL to change the player’s skin:

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How to stop an ad using query parameters?

To stop an ad using query parameters in a player, you can add specific parameters to your player URL to indicate which type of ad you want to stop. Here are the query parameters for stopping different types of ads: To stop a Google IMA ad, you can use the `stopImaAd` parameter with a value […]

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