To hide the Rewind and Forward Buttons in your video player, you can utilize query parameters to customize your player’s controls. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to hide the Rewind and Forward Buttons. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding &hideRewindForward=1 at the end or […]
Category: Video Player
How to Hide Quality Options in the Video Player?
To hide Quality Options in your Video Player, you can use query parameters to customize your player’s settings. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to hide the Quality Options. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding &hideQualityMenu=1 at the end or by &hideQualityMenu=true. For example: […]
How to Hide the Zoom Menu?
To hide the Zoom Menu in your Video Player, you can use query parameters to customize your player’s controls. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding the Zoom Menu. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ‘hideZoomMenu=1’ at the end or […]
How to Hide Playback Rate Controls?
To hide the Playback Rate Controls in your Video Player, you can use query parameters to customize your player’s controls. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding the Playback Rate Controls. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ?hidePlaybackRate=true to the […]
How to Hide the Related Menu?
To hide the Related Menu in your video Player, you can use query parameters to customize the player’s controls. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding the Related Menu. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ‘hideRelatedMenu=true’ to the end of […]
How to Hide the Settings Button?
To hide the Settings Button in your Video Player, you can use query parameters to customize your player’s controls. Here’s how you can do it: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding the Settings Button. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ‘hideSettingsButton=true’ to the end of […]
How can I disable the caption/subtitle option from the Video Player?
To disable the caption or subtitle option from your Video Player, you can use ‘hideCaptions’ query parameter to customize your player’s behavior. Here’s a simple guide: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding captions. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ‘hideCaptions=true’ to the end of it. […]
How can I hide the chapters option from the Video Player?
To hide the chapters option from your Video Player, you can use ‘hideChapters’ query parameter to customize your player’s behavior. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for hiding chapters. You can modify your video player’s URL by adding ‘hideChapters=true’ to the end of it. For […]
How to hide the Airplay icon from the Video Player?
You may want to customize your video player by hiding certain controls like the Airplay icon to create a clean and distraction-free viewing experience. Achieving this is straightforward by using query parameters in your Video Player’s URL. To hide the Airplay icon, you can add ?hideAirplay=true to the end of your Video Player’s URL. This […]
How to hide Chromecast icon from the Video Player?
To hide the Chromecast icon from your Video Player, you can make use of query parameters in the video URL. The specific parameter you need is `hideChromecast`. You can set this parameter to `true` or `1 to ensure that the Chromecast icon is not displayed on your player’s interface. Here’s an example of how you […]