How to add chapters to your videos?

To add chapters to your videos using query parameters, follow these steps:   {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”, “label”:”English”, “default”:”1″},  {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”de”, “label”:”German”},   {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”es”, “label”:”Spanish”},   {“kind”:”chapters”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”}

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How to set title parameters for the video player?

To set title parameters for a video player, you can use below query parameters in the video URL. Here’s how to do it: title=MyVideoTitle/ThisIsADescriptionOfTheVideo titleUrl= titleLogo= Combining these parameters allows you to customize the title, description, link, and logo in a video player’s overlay. Note: ‘true’ = ‘1’ and ‘false’ = ‘0’. You can use […]

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Security available for the 5centsCDN Video Player

Domain Lock: Domain Lock restricts video playback to specific websites or domains, preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding copyrighted content. Geo Block: Geo Block allows you to limit content access based on specific geographical locations, tailoring your content’s availability. IP Access: IP Access provides granular control by allowing or blocking specific IP addresses, regulating access to […]

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Review all the Player Key Metrics and Demographics

Total Hits: Total hits represent interactions and validations during video playback. In a minute, 8 HITS are calculated, capturing various user engagement throughout the event. Check here for more detail on “Breakdown of Video Player HITS”. Total Impressions: The total number of times your video content has been displayed or loaded, providing an overview of […]

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Breakdown of Video Player HITS

A Video Player HIT is the validation of the stream activity such as play, engagement, impression and stop of the event. 8 hits are calculated in 1 minute time for a single video watched by 1 user.

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Customized Analytics Filters – Report Period and Granularity

Access insights with personalized analytics filter and refine your view and gain a comprehensive understanding of your content’s performance. Here’s a detailed breakdown.  Analytics Report Period: You can choose your preferred reporting period from a convenient dropdown menu. With Custom Range you can specify a day range using the calendar layout.  Resources: You can choose […]

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How to access 5centsCDN player analytics?

5centsCDN Player analytics in-depth analytics for your content strategy. You can refine your view using personalized analytics filters and explore all player analytics metrics we offer. Access 5centsCDN Video player analytics: Read more about: Customized Analytics Filters – Report Period and Granularity.Review all the Player Key Metrics and Demographics

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