What is the difference between HTTP push and VOD push?

HTTP Push VOD Push Summary of Key Differences: Aspect HTTP Push VOD Push Streaming Type MP4 streaming / Pseudo streaming HLS/DASH streaming Supported File Types Supports all file types MP4 files ONLY Use Case Static asset delivery, general files Streaming ONLY (VoD) Delivery Method Content is pushed to CDN as-is MP4 files converted to HLS/DASH […]

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What is the difference between HTTP Pull and VOD Pull ?

HTTP Pull Zone An HTTP Pull zone is used to pull content (e.g., website assets, live streams, or VoD files) from your origin server and cache it on CDN edge servers for faster delivery. The content is served as-is, which means no repackaging occurs. Its main uses include: VOD Pull Zone A VOD Pull zone […]

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How to set up SSL for your custom domain?

To deploy SSL for your custom domain, you must create a CNAME record in your DNS that points to the CDN hostname. If the CNAME is not properly pointed to the CDN hostname, the SSL deployment will not initiate. For example, if your CNAME is cdn.yourdomain.com, it must be pointed to our hostname. Example:cdn.yourdomain.com -> […]

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How to purge cache from a Pull Zone?

In order to purge cache, go to your corresponding Pull Zone under Zones and then click on the Manage button available right next to your desired Zones. There you can see the option Manage Cache. There are 2 ways to purge: 1. Purge All: This option will purge all files from the site’s cache on the edge servers and gets rebuilt from the […]

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How to check my CDN usage and stats?

5centsCDN provides a wealth of relevant information about CDN delivery, User Demographics, Bandwidth utilization, and user experience. Our Report session includes CDN Delivery Summary, per Location Delivery Stats, Major hits and Associated Analytics and much more. In order to view the Report Session go to Dashboard > Analytics. You can select the product and can […]

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