This article helps the user to integrate the Tokenized streams delivered through 5centsCDN into your Stalker. The first part of the article explains how to integrate the streams which are created under Live Streams using the Publishing Points of 5centsCDN and the second part narrates how to integrate the streams delivered with help of Pull […]
Category: Live Stream Push
Is there any page load restriction or limits for the player?
How I need to download the player?
No, players are hosted on CDN.
What is the stream delay or latency for live streams?
Stream delay or latency are based on many factors, though with our streaming platform it’s anywhere between 2 to 5 seconds. Note: Encoder level issues may affect the stream delay or latency.
Is there any limit or restriction on stream bitrate?
No, there are no limits or restrictions set to stream bitrate, you may set according to your requirement.
How can I integrate Logo with my stream?
The user can integrate his company or related logs with his stream by either of the following ways: For websites, the user can use Flow Player with Custom Logo feature. Flow Player offers extreme flexibility when it comes to customization. To know more about Flow Player please check out the Flow Player website. To integrate […]
How to set up CName for Live streams or DVR?
If you want to setup Cname for your playback URL instead of you can enable it directly from our console. To do this you should set a CNAME or ANAME for your custom domain to Once you have done this please follow the below procedure. Please verify your domain name before updating the […]
How to get HTTPS Playback URLs?
This article explains how to serve the Live Stream content from our CDN network via HTTPS Playback URLs. Please note that by default we will use our own SSL certificates and in case if you want to use custom SSL for content, you must set up it. To know more about enabling custom SSL please […]