The user can create a combined transcoding profile which will enable ABR (Adaptive bitrate streaming). Single file combined with our profile or bitrates mentioned by you in the profiles.
- To create a Combined Transcoding Profile, Click on Transcoding > File Transcoding > Create Preset Profile Combined and provide the name for your profile. Then you have to specify if you want to add your Original Video Stream to the Output file, and if you enabled it, the Original Video quality will be added in the Output file.
- Then you need to select which audio stream quality has to be created for your output file. You can add it from the Original Stream audio quality, or a single high-quality audio stream from the selected profile.
- Now you need to add the required single preset profiles which have to combine for your Output file which is listed in the drop-down menu and then click on create. You are then ready to go with your combined Transcoding Profile.
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