To add chapters to your videos using query parameters, follow these steps:
- Determine the URL of the chapter file you want to use. This should also be in WebVTT format.
- Add another JSON object to the tracks parameter array to specify the chapter track:
{“kind”:”chapters”, “src”:”URL_TO_CHAPTER_FILE.vtt”, “srclang”:”en”}
- “kind”: Set this to “chapters” to indicate it’s a chapter track.
- “src”: Replace URL_TO_CHAPTER_FILE.vtt with the URL of the chapter file.
- “srclang”: Specify the language code for the chapters (e.g., “en” for English).
- Here’s an example URL with both captions and chapters added using query parameters:[
{“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”, “label”:”English”, “default”:”1″},
{“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”de”, “label”:”German”},
{“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”es”, “label”:”Spanish”},
{“kind”:”chapters”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”}