To add chapters to your videos using query parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the URL of the chapter file you want to use. This should also be in WebVTT format.
  2. Add another JSON object to the tracks parameter array to specify the chapter track:

    {“kind”:”chapters”, “src”:”URL_TO_CHAPTER_FILE.vtt”, “srclang”:”en”}
  • “kind”: Set this to “chapters” to indicate it’s a chapter track.
  • “src”: Replace URL_TO_CHAPTER_FILE.vtt with the URL of the chapter file.
  • “srclang”: Specify the language code for the chapters (e.g., “en” for English).
  1. Here’s an example URL with both captions and chapters added using query parameters:[

  {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”, “label”:”English”, “default”:”1″},

 {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”de”, “label”:”German”},

  {“kind”:”captions”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”es”, “label”:”Spanish”},

  {“kind”:”chapters”, “src”:””, “srclang”:”en”}