In Delayed stream, a live stream will be recorded first and the recorded content will be played back according to the delay set by the user. Please note, this feature can be only implemented for streams for which the DVR has been enabled.

For example, if you have a live stream happening, you can set the delay to say, for an hour and corresponding DVR content will be scheduled for playback with a delay of one hour.

In order to create a Delayed Stream with DVR, follow the below instructions:

  • In the re-directed page, click on the drop-down menu Live Streams which is located to the extreme left, right under the 5centsCDN logo.
  • Click on the Delayed Stream Button.
  • Click on the Green Plus Button which is located at the top extreme right corner of the screen.
  • In the re-directed page click on the drop-down menu called Info
  • Now select the Source Stream for which you have to enable the Delayed Stream feature and provide a name for your Delayed Stream
  • Enter the required delay in Seconds against Shift by (seconds) for example, if you set for 1800 Seconds, then the corresponding DVR content will be scheduled for playback with a delay of 30 minutes.
  • Click on the Create button.
  • Once it is created, you will the get the Preview and related Playback URLs from the redirected page.

The above steps have been explained in the below Illustration. Please view the below illustration.



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