You can restream HLS, RTMP, HTTP MPEG-DASH & RTSP.

To create a Pull stream Please log into your 5centsCDN dashboard

  • Under live streams click on the Pull option.
  • Click on the Green Plus Button (add a new Pull stream) located at the extreme top left corner of the screen.
  • In the popup window please provide the Stream Name. If the name given is not already used will be accepted.
  • Select the Pull Server Region which is geographically located near to your source from the drop-down menu.
  • In pull mode you can select the type of your source(HLS,RTMP,HTTP,RTSP)
  • Under the source add your source URL and click the green plus button to save the source.
  • Scroll down the page and click on the Deploy button.
  • Success! Stream Created message will be displayed upon successful creation.

On successful creation, the Restream stream details will be available under Live Streams > Pull