To create DVR for your Live Streams please log into your 5centsCDN Console

  • In the re-directed page, click on the drop-down menu Live Streams which is located to the extreme left, right under the 5centsCDN logo and click on the appropriate Stream for which the DVR has to be created.
  • Click on the Manage Button which is located near to your live stream.
  • In the re-directed page go to DVR which is listed in the Basic Option.
  • Now enable the DVR by toggling the button to Enable mode.
  • Now set the Retention Period to the desired period. The Retention Period determines how many days the DVR has to be kept within your record zone. For example, if the Retention Period is kept to 7 days, the DVR files will be residing for a week within our servers and after that, it will be deleted.
  • Once the retention period is set click on the Save button.
  • To view the DVR details go to Live Streams > DVR and click on the Manage Button near to your respective DVR stream.
  • In the Basic Section, you can view the Source URL and the Stream Name of your DVR under the Info Button.
  • Under DVR Status you can see the DVR Status Bar, which displays the recorded sessions in Green and Blank sessions in White. You can use the Time Scale right above the bar to scroll and see the whole recorded content duration. In order to view the DVR session for a specific interval, you can use the Start and End calendar feature. For example, if you want to obtain the Playback link from 29/06/2016 1.00AM to 2.00AM (Local Time Zone), set the Start and End duration as 2016-06-29 01:00:00 and 2016-06-29 02:00:00 and the corresponding Playback Links would be generated below.
  • The Refresh Status button is used to refresh the DVR status bar to view the latest DVR status.
  • The PlaybackURL/Embed Code will give you the corresponding General Playback URL and Players for your DVR stream and it will also list the Secure Token Code, in case if you have enabled the Secure Token feature for your DVR.