This article explains how to create simulcast to your Facebook group

To create simulcast to your Facebook group then you need to add our app to your Facebook group

Note that you must be the group admin

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Move to your Facebook group.
  3. Click the “Edit group settings” option.
  4. In the redirected page, Move to “Apps” and click the “Add app” option.
  5. search “5centsCDN inc” and add to your group.

After these steps, You can login to your 5centsCDN console.

  1. Move to Dashboard and select pull/push/scheduled playlist (You can also create simulcast under Live streams>simulcast).
  2. Click the manage button.
  3. Scroll down the page and click ” Add platform” option.
  4. Select “Facebook”.
  5. Login to your Facebook account.
  6. In the redirected page, You will get a dashboard.
  7. You can provide the title and description about the live stream.
  8. Select “Group” in “Stream To” option.
  9. In next step you can select the group name in the drop down list.
  10. Click the save button.
  11. The RTMP and stream key will automatically update in the console.


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