This article explains, how to get “ClientIdentifier” and “ClientSecret”. To find the details, please follow the below-mentioned steps.

  1. Login to 5centsCDN Dashboard.
  2. Click on Client Portal.

    V4 Dashboard
  3. In the account section, below you can see the Reseller Module Keys for the service.

    reseller module keys v4 dashboard
  4. Click on it & Select the service, You can see the “ClientIdentifier” and “ClientSecret” on the redirected page.

     ClientIdentifier is V4 Dashboard
    ClientSecret in v4 Dashboard
  5. Add your Client ID & Client Secret in your Reseller WMHCS Module.

    For detailed guidance on the next onboarding steps, including plan configuration and adding the Client ID & Client Secret in detail, please refer to our Knowledge Base article: How to Configure a Plan.


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