The Video Analytics SDK empowers your applications with advanced video analytics capabilities, enabling you to gather valuable insights into viewer behavior. By leveraging powerful analytics tools and data collection mechanisms, it provides a comprehensive analysis of viewer interactions and preferences, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for optimizing the viewer experience and content delivery.

Before you proceed with the setup, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • WebOS SDK (for webOS)

Getting Started

Downloading the SDK

To begin, download the SDK for your respective platform: 

WebOS SDK Setup

Initialize the SDK in your WebOS application as follows:

Step 1: To begin, integrate the Video Analytics Library into your webOS application. This library is a fundamental component for enabling advanced video analytics capabilities in your app.

Step 2.1: Configure your webOS application by adding the following script to your HTML header:

Step 2.2: After configuring your webOS application with the required script, proceed by initializing the HTML5 video player

var video = document.getElementById("myVideo");

Step 3: Configure Your App by setting essential parameters, such as the hash_id, which is instrumental in tracking and analytics

let hash_id = '4gpuj613znoio7r4';

Step 4: Initialise the Following Variables from the custom libraries provided

let url = "";
let title = "5cent CDN Video Test";
let tags = ["1080p", "10s", "30MB"];
let show_cv = true;
const viewer_id = generateUUID();
let view_id = generateRandomString();
let user_agent = navigator.userAgent;

Step 5: Finally, initiate the Analytics. This essential step kick-starts the process of collecting and analyzing viewer interaction data
