To take advantage of the season and episode features in your dynamic playlist, follow these steps:

  1. Create Season Tags: Assign season tags to your videos (e.g., “Season 1”). A video can have multiple season tags.
  2. Add Episode Tags: If you want to use episode tags, include them in the video. Only the first episode tag will be considered for the season.
  • Note: Episode tags are optional. If added (e.g., “episode 1”), the video will be listed at the top within its season.

Important Notes:

  • The season feature must be enabled in the dynamic playlist settings.
  • When the season/episode layout is enabled in the playlist, other tags apart from season are not considered.

Examples of Season and Episode Tags:

  • Season Tags: “Season 1”, “Season1”, “S 1”, “S1”, “Seasons1,” “Seasons 1”
  • Episode Tags: “Episode 1”, “Episode1”, “E 1”, “E1”