To control the display of concurrent viewers or live viewers count in your video player, you can use ‘showcv’ query parameters to customize the player’s behavior. Here’s a simple guide on how to show or hide this feature:

Enabling Concurrent Viewers/Live Viewers Count: Edit the URL of your video player to include the parameter for showing the concurrent viewers/live viewers count. You can set the `showcv` parameter to `true` or `1` in the video URL. For example:

Disabling Concurrent Viewers/Live Viewers Count: To hide the concurrent viewers/live viewers count, You can set the `showcv` parameter to `false` or `0` For example:

By adjusting the URL parameters, you can easily control whether the concurrent viewers/live viewers count is displayed to viewers, providing flexibility to customize the viewing experience according to your needs.

Note: ‘true’ = ‘1’ and ‘false’ = ‘0’. You can use either ‘true’ or ‘1’, and ‘false’ or ‘0’.