To stop an ad using query parameters in a player, you can add specific parameters to your player URL to indicate which type of ad you want to stop. Here are the query parameters for stopping different types of ads:

  1. Stopping a Google IMA Ad:

To stop a Google IMA ad, you can use the `stopImaAd` parameter with a value of true. This parameter tells the player to stop playing Google IMA ads.
Example URL to stop a Google IMA ad: 

  1. Stopping a VAST Ad:

To stop a VAST ad, you can use the `stopVastAd` parameter with a value of true. This parameter instructs the player to stop playing VAST ads.

Example URL to stop a VAST ad:

These query parameters can be added to the player URL, and when set to true, they will prevent the respective type of ad from playing. Use the appropriate parameter depending on the type of ad you want to stop in your player.

Note: ‘true’ = ‘1’ and ‘false’ = ‘0’. You can use either ‘true’ or ‘1’, and ‘false’ or ‘0’.