Categories can be used to categorize videos within a workspace and are useful for creating dynamic playlists. Depending on the category, we can easily add videos to the dynamic playlist. Follow the steps to create a category in Video Manager,

  • Login to 5centsCDN control panel.
  • Go to Video Manager.
  • Click the Manage button on your Project.
  • On the redirected page, go to the Settings section.
  • Click Category and you can find an option CREATE CATEGORY.
    • Title – Provide the category name.
    • Description – Provide a description for this category. This is an optional field.
  • Click CREATE CATEGORY button.

How to add videos to a category?

  • Go to the VIDEOS section in your Project.
  • Click the video file that you want to add to a category.
  • Click the EDIT VIDEO DETAILS button.
  • On the next page, you can see an option category. Select the category from the dropdown box and click the Save button.

This video will be associated with the selected category. You can follow the same step for other videos.



Is there a way to set a category to be the default?

Yes, You can set up a category to be the default. So if you upload a new video to the Video Manager, It will automatically be added to this category. Please follow the steps

  • Go to the Settings section in your Project.
  • Click Category and choose a category from the box.
  • Enable the option Use as Default and click the UPDATE CATEGORY button.
  • Success! this category will be the default category.  The category will be assigned automatically for new videos.