Categories in Video Manager help organize videos within a workspace, making it easier to manage content and create dynamic playlists. By categorizing videos, you can efficiently group related content and quickly add videos to dynamic playlists based on their category. Here’s how to create and use categories in Video Manager:

How to Create a Category:

  • Log in to the 5centsCDN control panel.
  • Navigate to Zones and Select Video Manager.
  • Click the Manage button for your project.
  • On the redirected page, go to the Settings section.
  • Select Category and click Create Category.
  • Provide a Title for the category.
  • Optionally, add a Description for better context.
  • Click the Create Category button to finalize.

How to Add Videos to a Category:

  • In the Video Manager, go to the Videos section of your project.
  • Select the video you want to categorize.
  • Go to the Metadata field present on the right side.
  • Locate the Category field.
  • Choose the appropriate category from the dropdown menu and click Save.
  • The video will now be associated with the selected category.

Repeat this process for other videos to organize them into categories for easy playlist creation and better content management.

How to Set a Default Category:

  • In the Settings section of your project, click Category.
  • Select the category you want to set as the default.
  • Enable the option Use as Default.
  • Click the Update Category button.

Now, any new videos uploaded will automatically be assigned to this default category.