Traffic Director

Our intelligent traffic management service makes it easy to implement a multi-CDN infrastructure that puts you in control of performance and cost. You can simply start with a strategy that directs traffic to the preferred CDN based on the country, state, or ASN (autonomous system number) of your users. All these capabilities are fully integrated into our CDN package as a custom solution.

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Group 5802
Anycast Network

By continuous improvement to our network, the team at 5centsCDN offers a network addressing and routing methodology that has multiple routing paths using a single destination address.

world 1
Point & Click Traffic Management

With the help of exceptional DNS domain proficiency, maximal system scalability, and round-the-clock client support, 5centsCDN ensures advanced traffic management solutions.


Traffic Director is delivered as a SaaS solution where we control every aspect of your DNS load balancing to save you the trouble of buying hardware, installing software, or hiring more IT engineers.

cloud network
24 hour clock
High Availability

We make sure that your website content and applications are available 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure customer satisfaction while providing a high-caliber, A-Grade user experience throughout.

Country Based Routing

With the help of a powerful set of tools and a modern technological network framework, we manage and segment your traffic based on your users' location or network.

ASN Based Routing

Manage your content delivery using a group of networks with a single routing policy that restricts the answers where the Autonomous System (AS) of requester IP matches the list.

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